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作者:    日期:2014-04-10 16:17    浏览量:    录入:音乐舞蹈学院








宾夕法尼亚州立大学 - 音乐教育博士(2021)

Pennsylvania State University - Doctorates in Music Education (2021)

Dissertation Topic: “Popular Music Education in the United States: An Oral History”

Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Ann Clements


纽约州立大学 - 音乐教育硕士(2017)

The State University of New York at Fredonia - Masters in Music Education (2017)

Master Thesis: “Effects of Chinese Pop Music Selection on Students' Music Familiarity and Preference for Its Traditional Version”

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Jill Reese


英国南安普顿大学 - 音乐学硕士(2012)

University of Southampton - Masters in Musicology (2012)

Master Thesis: “Multiculturalism and School Music Education in Macau”

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Janice Brooks


澳门理工学院 - 音乐教育学士 (2011,全奖)

Macau Polytechnic Institute - Bachelors in Music Education (2011, Full Scholarship)


Bachelor Thesis: “The Analysis of Artistic Characteristics in Chinese Piano Music and Its Application in Cross-cultural Music Education - take Jianzhong Wang's Piano Work “Liuyang River" as an Example”

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Baisheng Dai


工作经历 (高校)

2012-2015           湖南第一师范学院,教育学院

● 基础钢琴 (2012 - 2015)

● 儿童歌曲即兴弹唱 (2015)

2012-2015    湖南第一师范学院,科研处

● 社科项目申报管理(国家级、省级)

● 科研经费管理


专业经历 (论文)

Tan, Y., & Conti, L. (2019). Effects of Chinese Popular Music Familiarity on Preference for Traditional Chinese music: Research and Applications. Journal of Popular Music Education, 3(2), 329-358. doi:10.1386/jpme.3.2.329_1


Tan, Y. (2017). Effects of Chinese popular music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. School Music News: NYSSMA Journal, 81(1), 18-23.


谭韵抒. 多元文化与澳门的学校音乐教育[A]. 媒体时代的学校音乐教育:第三届两岸四地学校音乐教育论坛论文集[C].广州:暨南大学出版社,2014, 156-166


谭韵抒. 中国钢琴曲的艺术气质及在跨文化音乐教育中的运用[J]. 湖南师范大学教育科学学报,2012, (11), 93-95


专业经历 (项目)

谭韵抒. 免费师范生的多元文化音乐教育. 湖南第一师范学院校级科研项目,2014



专业经历 (会议)

Tan, Y. (2019, August). A Case study of a Chinese international non-music majors’ pop and rock band association. Oral presented and oral presentation at the Modern Band Colloquium, Fort Collins, CO.

Tan, Y. (2019, April). Effects of Chinese pop music selection on students' music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. Poster presented and oral presentation at the meeting of the PMEA, Pittsburg, PA.

Tan, Y. (2018, October). A Case study of a Chinese international non-music majors’ pop and rock band association. Poster presented and oral presentation at the meeting of the BTAA, Ann Arbor, MI.

Tan, Y. (2018, April). A Case study of a Chinese international non-music majors’ pop and rock band association. Poster presented and oral presentation at the meeting of the PMEA, Lancaster, PA.

Tan, Y. (2017, October). Effects of Chinese pop music selection on students' music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. Poster presented and oral presentation at the meeting of the BTAA, Bloomington, IN.

Tan, Y. (2017, February). Effects of Chinese pop music selection on students' music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. In V. Fung (Chair). Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium. Poster presented at the meeting of the Center for Music Education Research, Tampa, FL.

Tan, Y. (2017, April). Effects of Chinese pop music selection on students' music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. Poster presented and oral presentation at the meeting of the Thompson Symposium, State College, PA.

Tan, Y. (2016, December). Effects of Chinese pop music selection on students' music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. Poster presented at the meeting of the New York State School Music Education Association, Rochester, NY.

Tan, Y. (2014, April). Multiculturalism and school music education in Macau. In B. Dai (Chair). Oral presented at The 3rd Music Education Forum of Greater China School Music Education in the Era of Multimedia, Macau.




2019 Little Kids Rock, Program coordinator

2019 Association of Popular Music Education, Program coordinator

2010                澳门劳工子弟中学,音乐教师

                        The Workers’ High School, Macau       

2009                澳门何东中葡小学,音乐教师

                        Escola Primaria Oficial Luso-Chinesa "Sir Robert Ho Tung”, Macau



● BD Funding - Pennsylvania State University (2017-2020)

● OSCAR Funding - The State University of New York at Fredonia (2017)

● 特别优秀学生奖学金 - 澳门理工学院 (2008)

● 内地特别优秀学生奖学金(全奖)- 澳门理工学院 (2007-2011)



● 高校教师资格证:艺术类